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Joint Photographic Experts Group Image  |  1999-01-01  |  2MB  |  3540x2766
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OCR: Supports Get the best collection compilers available DoS, Windows anywhere! Contains over 250 programs Includes these Tools: 3,200 files, and 200 Directories including 16 ADA 3D-Visulan 32-bit Porlabla N Siniple compi Source Math Cada ihrary compilers for Basic Pascal, C, Perl, Forth. Basi Asic BASM 5.0 Compilers TM Rexx more! Java Bloodshed Dev-C Contains DDS CCD CormPas Compile Bloodshed PASCAL HTML Doy BAT -Pasca Compila to EXE: find especially the right the compiler complete PC or set environment any of PC Now operating compilers you can system designed easily with text Enter exactiy search you any the wish file through to procedure search specification source for. or You code and function can to type easily find you the Compiler Deco mpilers our simple inter tace You can search for an ...